HTH Biotech students publish

Christina Torres (l) and Emma Jackson (r) and their reprint from the Festivus

Congratulations to Christina Torres and Emma Jackson for publishing their research from last year’s class.  Their study “Pharmaceuticals at sea: effects of the pharmaceutical Ibuprofen on the embryonic development of Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus” appears in The Festivus, journal of the San Diego Shell Club.

About Jay Vavra

Jay Vavra grew up in San Diego and returned home after a range of experiences in biology abroad and throughout California. He graduated from Stanford University and has a Ph.D. in Marine Biology from USC. Dr. Vavra also has experience working as a biologist in the fields of biotechnology and zooarchaeology, and as an environmental consultant. This is his tenth year teaching at HTH where he loves conducting original research with his students. He leads the science fair program at HTH. Most of Dr. Vavra's past students are published authors in the San Diego Bay book series. He has also led students on two successful expeditions to Tanazania.
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